How to write product descriptions that actually sell

Even when it comes to something like e-commerce people tend to ponder: “What’s in a name?”. The ability to come up with a product name that will not only capture a customers’ attention but also describe a product correctly comes with either hard-gained skills or great intuition. It is just one of many necessary steps towards fruitfully selling a product, but we’re not going to be focusing on this one in particular and instead talk about something behind the name and a product itself – a description.

Internet, being one of the most glorious creations of humankind, has not yet obtained the ability to materialize things out of thin air upon request, which, frankly, would have boosted online shopping rate the moon and beyond. Everything sold online is intangible to people buying it until it arrives at their door in a (hopefully!) neat package. So, there is always a specific risk present when shopping online, but it rarely stops anyone from purchasing a product they want.

Everyone talks about how the competition in e-commerce changed over the years and so on and so on, but rarely do people look at one of the most critical aspects of online sales that makes your business sink or swim. That aspect is something as common and overlooked as product description. A product description is like a summary of a book, and they both have the same purpose – to sell. Your goal in writing product description is to persuade your customers to buy by highlighting what customers gain from their purchase. If they are looking to buy something to solve a particular problem, then you need to show them how your product will aid them and also specify why your product is exceptional and different from others similar on the market. Each product description needs to answer these and other essential questions.

1. Lure customers with product benefits

When you are enthusiastic about your business, you naturally have the urge to share this enthusiasm with everyone, including potential clients. You get to share this excitement through product description when you write down the features. The thing is, some people are just not that interested in general facts, they want to get something more out of it, they want to see how they benefit from buying a particular product. That is why, while writing product description you should highlight the benefits that would be appealing to customers the most. For example, menthol shampoo doesn’t just deal with dandruff but it also “wakes you up with a fresh mountain breeze.” Bring attention to how this or that product can make your customers happier, more healthy or just put a smile on their faces. Aim to sell not only the product – that is tangible – but something intangible, too, like emotions and experiences.

2. Focus on ideal pool clients

There are products (and descriptions, obviously) that cater to a vast range of audience. The, there are those who cater to a smaller one. Nevertheless, it’s vital to write appropriate product description in both of these cases but spread yourself too thin. Try to find the balance between broader and smaller audiences and focus on a mental image of your ideal buyer. Incorporate what they would like to see in the product description, what language is they would appreciate – formal or informal? Should you stick to the business or joke around? Which of their questions can you answer in the product description? Try to build a sort of conversation you might have if your customer was sitting right in front of you.

3. Steer clear from cliche phrases

Being original is a tough ordeal by itself, and it gets even harder when you are trying to write a product description. There are times when the said description is too short or too long or not sufficient or sometimes you just run out of words. Out of desperation, one might turn to cliche phrases like “outstanding quality” and so on. People see this and scroll through, thinking “yeah, I already know that.” Invoking this kind of mood in your customers’ mind is a downfall, but it’s fixable. Underline the essential qualities of your product at each point so your customer will be interested in reading the next one and then proceeding to buy whatever they are looking for. Remember, it’s crucial to expose as many relevant details as possible, but at the same time not overdo it and unintentionally make it into a novel.

4. Make sure your product description is smooth and pleasing to read

Web design is another significant bit that plays a supporting role in e-commerce. The design of your website is supposed to encourage customers to read product descriptions. Choose a scannable, pleasing to the eye design that is clear, creative but unsophisticated. Be free to use bullet points or check marks, leave plenty of space between the texts and allure potential customers with memorable headlines.

5. Don’t shy away from appealing to customers’ imagination

Like it was mentioned before, your clients can’t touch or hold the product they want to buy until it arrives to them. Including videos and high-quality pictures does help in providing an insight into the product, but imagine this – yes, start with “imagine.” A solidly written product description that slowly paves its way into your customers’ imagination is one of the significant keys to selling fruitfully. Appeal to their vision; come up with a story that would make your product more perceptible, or that will enthuse those reading it; let psychology be your friend here!

6. Spill all the details

Like it was mentioned, showcasing crucial information in the product’s description is not only essential but also a primary key to selling more and better. You need to write a perfect amount of text that will tell your customers what they need and simultaneously not bore them. Focus on what you must to write about: if you are selling furniture, don’t forget to include all the specs, like sizes and dimensions; if you are selling apparel, put a comprehensive size chart in the product description; and if you happen to deal with products that may cause allergies, don’t forget to list possible allergens.

7. Does your product have a story behind it? Use it!

Life is full of bland stuff, but online shopping doesn’t have to be one of them. At times people tend to get more excited when a product they a looking up has a story to tell. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a story about the product itself, but a story of why your customers might need this product or how it will positively affect their lives. Alternatively, it can even be a story that brings the product’s benefits into the spotlight. Invoke am an inner storyteller in yourself!

8. Hire someone to write product description if you’re struggling with it

“Writing is easy,” said no author ever. Some folks do have a knack for it, others – don’t. If you find yourself struggling to write a satisfying text then seek someone who can do it for you professionally. Naturally, that would mean extra spendings but provided the person you hire does their job right, and these expenses will pay off generously.

Almost everything in life obeys to the rule of trial and error. The same rule applies to e-commerce and, consequently, every aspect of it, which in our case is writing a product description. It is hardly possible to nail a perfect hit from the first try. You should test words and formats, carry out researches to stay relevant and up to date. Don’t be afraid to change, tweak, experiment and improve. The path to selling is never-ending, and it is up to you to decide what is it going to be like.


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